Little Rituals

My sister Diane and I didn’t intend for our Little Rituals post to come after the year’s end, but here we are! And how fitting. Now, in the grey days of February, we reflect on those rituals that are part of our daily lives. They often bring comfort in their predictability, and are the supports that carry us from one day to the next. As usual, we wrote on a theme, but didn’t share until our pieces were finished. One thing we have in common and adore: making coffee! Did this come about because our parents loved coffee, too? In their middle years, they loved their instant, with powdered creamer and packets of sugar or sugar-free sweetener. We grew up on that, and moved on “to the good stuff.” What other rituals do we share, or not? And why? Read on to find out more. We hope to prompt you to think about the rituals in your life.